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Commission on Aging
Minutes of Regular Meeting
Monday, November 16, 2009

The Commission on Aging held a regular meeting on Monday, November 16, 2009 at the Senior Center, 14 Riverside Road, Sandy Hook, CT. Chairman Edward Rees called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.

PRESENT: Edward Rees, Thomas Dwyer,  Karin Aurelia, James Bernardi, Norma Gray, Mary Ellen Lydem, Lenore Niedzielski, Barbara Wadleigh. EXCUSED/ABSENT: Glenna Rees, LeReine Frampton,  Anna Wiedemann. ALSO PRESENT:  Marilyn Place, Director of Senior Services, Ann Piccini, Director of Social Services, Senior Action Committee member John Aurelia.


MINUTES of October 19, 2009 will be amended to note that the amount that the Senior Center submitted to the CIP for a new building was $4.5 million, not $9 million. The $9 million was for the combined building with Parks and Recreation. Also the $4.5 million is for year 2011-2012, not next year. Upon motion of Mrs. Lydem, the minutes were unanimously accepted as amended.

TREASURER’S REPORT (Attachment A). Mrs. Niedzielski noted that a current printout of the Gift Fund is not available. The Finance Department prints the report during the fourth week of the month and the Commission meets during the third week. Mrs. Aurelia will discuss this with Finance. It was noted that 32.4% of the budget has been expended. The current balance in the Gift Fund is $37,751.95. This includes $3,011 from the Annual Bazaar and $388.50 thus far from raffle tickets for items that were not presented at the bazaar.

DIRECTOR OF SENIOR SERVICES REPORT (Attachment B). Mrs. Place requested expenditures from the Gift Fund for the Christmas Party totaling $1,115.00. Mrs. Gray moved to approve spending $450.00 from the Gift Fund for the band for the Christmas party, as well as $665.00 for four staff, the First Selectman, four band members and ten seniors in need, for a total of $1,115.00. Second by Mrs. Niedzielski and unanimously carried.

Mrs. Place asked that the Commission considering spending up to $1,500 from the Gift Fund for a computer for her office. The donated computer that  she has would be used by the staff. Mrs. Lydem questioned whether this was an appropriate use of the Gift Fund, as she feels that the Town should purchase such items for the Town employees. In order for the Town to purchase the computer, Mrs. Place noted that she would have to submit this in her budget for next July. The matter is tabled for discussion at the next meeting.

The Commission would like to review what the guidelines are for expenditures from the Gift Fund.

DIRECTOR OF SOCIAL SERVICES/MUNICIPAL AGENT REPORT. (Attachment C). Mrs. Piccini noted that Compace will no longer pay the entire amount of Part D supplement and will now only pay up to $34.57 because some plans have raised the cost of Part D.


TRIAD. No report.


NEW BUILDING. No report.


The four season room has gone out to bid. Mr. Aurelia explained that when he advised Public Works Director Fred Hurley that a four season room was more practical than the proposed three season room and that the funds were available, Mr. Hurley agreed.

ADJOURNMENT. Upon motion of Mrs. Aurelia, the meeting adjourned at 5:52 p.m.

Ann M. Mazur, Clerk